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  • A common misconception about counseling is that talking is required. The truth is that so many important experiences can happen without speaking. Expressive arts, writing, movement, and/or sitting together in silence is a great way to start the counselor-client relationship. We can work together to identify what feels the most empowering for you during our sessions together.

  • No. Some people prefer talking on the phone or turning their cameras off. Whatever feels best for you during our time in sessions.

  • Sessions are 55 minutes and I charge $170.00 per session. The one time initial intake, 90 minutes, is $190.00 I do have limited sliding scale options for those with financial need. My lowest rate is $90.00. Please speak with me if you are interested.

  • Consultations are a time for both of us to get to know one another and see if working together would be a good fit for you. I may ask you to share bits and pieces of what you are seeking from therapy or what problems are arising in your life. This is also a time for you to ask any questions you have about myself or my practice. Consultations typically run 15-20 minutes in length.

  • I am only offering telehealth counseling at this time.

  • If you are reading this and have not accessed counseling services before, I want to name how daunting it can feel to simply search for counselors. My hope is that you are thanking yourself for taking a large step in your healing journey and are being gentle with yourself during the process.

    You may be very nervous and feel very uncomfortable during the first session together or you may not feel much at all. Sometimes, feelings of vulnerability during the first couple of sessions can feel overwhelming. Know it is all completely normal and part of the process.

    Expect to be in session for 55 minutes. However, the initial intake is 90 minutes.

    You may come to our sessions with something to discuss and we will work together on processing your reflections and experiences. You may come to sessions with nothing to discuss either and that is okay also. So much of how sessions look depend on our relationship and your unique experience. I will tailor sessions to what best fits your needs. As sessions continue, you and I will develop a cadence that should feel safe with varying chapters of vulnerability, ease and challenge.

    Some days, therapy can be comforting and affirming. Every now and again, it can flip your world upside down and make you question aspects of your life. Therapy is challenging. No matter how challenging it feels some days, you should always feel supported, held and deeply respected by your therapist.

  • Sometimes, it takes a few sessions to get a good feel for your counselor and the relationship you are building with them.

    Most importantly, you should feel as if your therapist thinks highly of and deeply cares about you. You should feel accepted in their presence, no matter what.

  • I am only providing counseling to adults at this time. However, I do offer support for adults who are emotionally struggling with parenting.